Directed full marketing and communications operations in SubSaharan Africa from a new Importer and OEM perspective.
Formulated and delivered omni-channel and PR strategies to engage product with a non-competitive price position into a small bespoke space. Defined and delivered product strategy to untapped segmentation based on brand equity, quality reputation and country specific demographic.
Built Maserati Club, defined value added partnerships that promoted products and services to enhance the organisation’s image and position within the marketplace and other stakeholders.
Established successful localised brand engagement from scratch by creating enviable market position. Devised core customer CVP and marketing strategy for the African customer – a completely different demographic than Maserati’s own strategy.
Conceptualised and delivered as part of a global team, one the world’s longest open ocean sailing event with over 147 yachts competing over various inshore and offshore events.
Generated global content featuring black demographic and within African geography – utilised in US for African American market. Created bespoke advertising using core digital tools at pixel level, competitor analysis and programmatic buying – ensuring best ROI on all marketing spend.
Highest level of events seen within Maserati Market – awarded several global awards for innovative launch platform. Produced a media monster with an average value of over GBP 100 Million for direct TV coverage and an increased footfall at bespoke sailing village.